Keeper of Demonic Forces (General Info)


The spirit world is at constant war with itself and the humans are about to be dragged into it.

Fortunately, one human is given the ability to mediate between both worlds, but in order to do so they must leave behind all human attachments.

Kira Vermillion just moved to Tokyo with her step family and a series of unfortunate events have led her to taking up the position of the mysterious Vigilante the people of Tokyo have dubbed Demona.

Although, she does not want to give up her normal life for anything, she's faced with two options, await discovery and death or embrace the change and fight.

Armed with new, dangerous abilities and powerful allies, Kira must train to become stronger so she can stand up to the evil forces that threaten the city, her family and the sense normality she's worked hard to maintain.

An exciting, action packed story with sprinkles of comedy that you definitely don't want to miss out on.

Cover art by @RedLenai on twitter.

Can be read on:

Tapas & RoyalRoad

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